Revision Rhinoplasty

revision rhinoplasty

What is Revision Rhinoplasty (Secondary Rhinoplasty)? This operation is performed to eliminate the undesirable results of the previous rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty) surgery. The procedure is called revision rhinoplasty (correction rhinoplasty). It is also referred to as “Secondary Rhinoplasty”. Unfortunately, rhinoplasty surgery does not result in a positive result in every patient. In such cases, 5-15% revision […]

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)


What is rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic operation performed to create a nose that is compatible with the whole face and the person, which has the ideal breathing function. The most important task of the nose is respiratory function. Op. The primary goal of Dr. Tayfun Demirel in a rhinoplasty operation is to protect and […]



What is Septoplasty? The septum is a hard bone structure located in the inner part of the nose that divides it into two parts in the midline. The warping of this structure as a result of congenital or trauma over time is called septum deviation. The operation performed to correct the deviation is also called […]

Prominent Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Prominent Ear Surgery

What is Prominent Ear? The fact that the ears are seen especially clearly in the face or back view and that they extend more steeply than they should be from the head is called “prominent ear deformity”. This situation is seen in approximately 5% of the population with different degrees and different types. It can […]

Ear Infections

Kulak Enfeksiyonu

How Does Ear Inflammation Occur? Ear inflammation occurs when bacteria settle in the inside, outer or middle ear and multiply to the point of causing disease. Microbes to the ear usually come from the nasal passage and throat. The Eustachian tube in children is flatter and shorter. For this reason, especially middle ear inflammation is […]

Eardrum Repair

Eardrum Repair

What is Eardrum Repair (Tympanoplasty)? Frequent and chronic ear infections can cause damage to the eardrum. Eardrum repair, also known as Tympanoplasty, is an operation in which both the eardrum and the ossicular chain inside are repaired and repaired. In patients with a hole in the eardrum and chronic inflammation of the middle ear, the […]

Otosclerosis (Calcification of the Middle Ear)


What is Middle Ear Calcification? Otosclerosis is also known as middle ear calcification. This disease is one of the common causes of hearing loss. It is a genetically transmitted disease. It can also occur after a few generations.In the first stage of the hearing, sound waves travel along the outer ear canal, reaching the eardrum […]