Otoplasty in Turkey (Prominent Ear Correction)

Otoplasty in Turkey (Prominent Ear Correction)

What is Prominent Ear Surgery in Children?

This operation, also known as Otoplasty, is an ear shaping surgery performed to remove the appearance of prominent ears, the appearance of large ears and insufficient folds in the auricle in children. The success rate is quite high. Prominent ear surgery in children Op. It is successfully performed by Dr. Tayfun Demirel.

Prominent ear surgery can be performed from the age of 3

In the deformity called “prominent ear deformity”, which is called “prominent ear ear” among the people, there is usually no hearing defect. For this reason, some children are not treated until school age. But the earlier this operation is carried out, the better. Usually the period from 3 years to the diameter of primary school is the most suitable interval for prominent ear surgery in children.

Prominent ears can cause social isolation

The devices of living in society such as shame and prohibition in children are not yet realized in primary school age. That is why children with pronounced ear deformities can often hear bad nicknames from their friends. This can cause significant social isolation and psychological problems for the child. In girls, prominent ear deformity can often be hidden by growing hair. However, it is a little more difficult to hide the deformity in boys. That is why for the treatment of deformity, many parents prefer treatment with surgical methods.

Prominent ear surgery should be done before primary school

A 3-year-old’s ear length reaches about 85 percent of adult ear length. Therefore, if desired for the prominent ear problem, surgical procedure is suitable after the age of 3 years. It is appropriate to correct the ear deformity before the child reaches primary school age.

Prominent ear surgery is performed with general anesthesia in children

In the prominent ear problem, the ears often appear to be angled forward. However, there is no significant fold in the ear that is present in all people. Correction surgery can be performed under local anesthesia in adults. But in the case of children, the procedure is often performed under general anesthesia. Since the incisions are made behind the ear, no stitch marks are visible in the face and side view. However, the surgery of many patients is not understood by other people. During the operation, some excess cartilage is removed. Then those that are missing from the ear folds are recreated by internal stitches. Then, the ear is tilted back and the necessary measures are taken to prevent it from becoming a “scoop” again forward.

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Otoplasty in Turkey (Prominent Ear Correction)

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In 5 Steps

Treatment Process



First, understand your symptoms and other health needs. Then make an appointment for a consultation.



MD. Tayfun Demirel performs a detailed ENT examination during the consultation and asks you questions about your health history.



After your doctor determines your health problem and needs, he plans for the most appropriate treatment for you.



The operation day is determined for cases that cannot be cured with medical treatment. This will be the most convenient date for you.



After your treatment, your doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and discharge you from the hospital by determining the control day.

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Make an appointment with Dr. Tayfun Demirel to understand your health problem and decide on the most appropriate treatment for you.

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