Voice Disorders

Ses Hastalıkları

Voice diseases can be classified into two groups as organic and functional causes. Organic causes are problems that we can list some examples of such as nodules, polyps, cysts, grooves (sulcus), granulomas, reflux, paralysis, white and red spots, and cancer in the vocal folds. Functional causes are those in which no visual problem is seen […]

Voice Disorder

Voice Disorders

Voice Therapy Voice impairment is an abnormality in the pitch, intensity or resonance of the voice. Hoarseness or problems in voice quality can develop due to many different voice diseases. The source of the problem must first be determined by the Otolaryngologist Doctor. After that, it is necessary to diagnose the voice disease. After determining […]

Upper Respiratory Tract Allergy

Upper Respiratory Tract Allergy

What Is an Upper Respiratory Tract Allergy? An upper respiratory allergy is when antibodies found in the airways fight and react to substances that may be harmless to others. These substances can be dust, nutrients, substances ingested by the respiratory tract, pollen, and allergens such as mites and animal dander. Allergy is a problem with […]

Upper Respiratory Infection

Upper Respiratory Infection

What Is an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection? Upper respiratory tract infections are infections of the nose, ears and throat, which are the first part of the respiratory system. We can say that the place we call upper breathing is the place where the air first comes into contact during breathing. The viruses and bacteria that […]

Dysphagia (swallowing problems)

dysphagia swallowing problems

The most common problem among swallowing problems is Dysphagia, that is, difficulty swallowing. Difficulty swallowing is known as discomfort in which the swallowing time is prolonged and it takes more force than usual to swallow. It can be seen that patients have difficulty during the ingestion of liquid or solid foods. In the type of […]