Ear Tubes (Tympanostomy)

The subject of ear tube surgery in children is one of the frequently wondered topics. If there is a dysfunction in the Eustachian tube, the middle ear does not ventilate. In addition, a problem such as membrane collapse may occur due to negative pressure. After that, fluid accumulation begins in the middle ear. As the […]
Otoplasty in Turkey (Prominent Ear Correction)

What is Prominent Ear Surgery in Children? This operation, also known as Otoplasty, is an ear shaping surgery performed to remove the appearance of prominent ears, the appearance of large ears and insufficient folds in the auricle in children. The success rate is quite high. Prominent ear surgery in children Op. It is successfully performed […]
Child Snoring Surgery

Snoring in children; develops due to obstructions in the upper respiratory tract. As a result of narrowing in the respiratory tract, high-frequency vibrations created by the soft palate create the sound that occurs during snoring. Although snoring can be seen in all age groups, snoring in childhood is more worrisome. The problem of snoring can […]
Postnasal Drip

What is Nasal Drip? Nasal drip, or postnasal leakage, is a disorder that directly affects almost every individual at least one point in their lives. In the human body, the glands in the nose and throat produce mucus, or mucus, to moisturize the nasal membranes. These also fight infection depending on the immune system. Under […]
Eardrum Repair Surgery

What is Eardrum Repair (Tympanoplasty) in Children? Frequent ear infections in children can cause damage to the eardrum. Eardrum repair, also known as Tympanoplasty, is an operation in which both the eardrum and the ossicular chain inside are repaired and repaired. In children with holes in the eardrum and chronic middle ear inflammation, the inflammation […]
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy

There are lymph tissues that act as defenses, especially in the outward areas of our body. The mouth and throat are one of the most important ways of entry of foreign substances into our body. There are lymph tissues that completely surround the throat. These are called the Waldeyer ring. These lymph tissues are associated […]